Firm 知识产权 新闻


多年来,我们律师事务所已为众多客户递交了美国专利申请,并成功地为许多客户获得了美国专利。 2020年是繁忙的一年,不但我们提交了许多申请,还获得了不少专利授权。以下是我们律师事务所今年获得的专利之一,于2020年5月获得授权。律师为蒋磊律师。



该申请是PCT申请,意味着该申请是通过《国际专利合作条约》提交的。 申请人必须是PCT缔约国(成员国)的国民。 目前大约有150个缔约国,其中包括大多数主要国家。 这种类型的专利申请是最复杂的一种。 还有其他类型的专利申请,例如

  • Provisional application 临时专利申请
  • Utility application 实用专利申请
  • Design application 设计专利申请
  • Plant application 植物类专利申请


在专利诉讼方面,COVID-19可能减慢了许多经济活动,但并未减慢专利诉讼的速度。 根据《美国国家法律杂志》,2020年上半年的侵权诉讼增长了16%。 而且,战场也有转移。 在2019年,特拉华州拥有最多的专利案件,但在2020年,西德克萨斯州以最多的申请跃升第一位。 因此,美国联邦德克萨斯州西区法院已成为侵权案件最受欢迎的备案地点。 这个趋势始于美国联邦地方法官艾伦·奥尔布赖特(Alan Albright)于2018年加入法官席。

无论您是为自己的发明需要专利,还是捍卫自己的专利权,我们都可以为您提供帮助。 如有疑问,请与我们联系

知识产权 新闻


On September 16, 2011, President Obama signed the America Invents Act into law and it will become fully effective on March 16, 2013.  The Act changes U.S. patent law from first-to-invent (FTI) to first-to-file (FTF) and will be a step towards a more globally uniformed patent system, as the FTF system dominates throughout the rest of the world. This change is expected to reduce the time it takes to get a patent approved and the number of frivolous patent applications.  The Act’s post-grant review allows for a 9 month window in which challengers can establish their property rights.  This is a change from the previous law, which specified that patents could be challenged for up to one year and placed the burden on the applicant to establish his rights.

To date, no changes have been made to the eligibility of business methods for patents.  Changes are expected over the next year during which time the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is granted the responsibility of stipulating which patent subject matters are eligible for protection.  An 8 year post-grant review for the validity of business method patents will become effective on September 16, 2012 for patents issued before, on, or after this date.

根据新法律,发明人可能需要尽快申请专利并为发明保密,以保护他们的专利权。 蒋磊律师事务所在专利法领域提供优质的法律服务。 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请随时联系我们的办公室

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