
Estate Planning Seminar

During a one-hour Zoom seminar on April 1, 2023, Attorney Lei Jiang provided attendees with valuable insights on estate planning, including wills, trusts, and other related topics. She shared her expertise and experience, discussing the various options and strategies for creating an effective estate plan.

Attorney Jiang also answered questions from attendees, providing clarity and guidance on a variety of issues related to estate planning. The seminar was well-received by the participants, who appreciated the opportunity to learn from an experienced legal professional.

Overall, the seminar was a great success, providing 55 attendees with a better understanding of the estate planning process and the benefits it can offer. The event was an excellent opportunity for those looking to create or update their estate plan to preserve and allocate their assets.

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财产与信托 新闻


“遗产规划” 或 “财产规划” 是指在个人丧失能力或过世前,安排其资产和事务管理的过程。它涉及创建资产分配计划,支付债务和税款,以及指定某些人代其管理财产及事务。其重要性源于:

控制: 遗产规划使客户能够在过世后控制其资产的分配。如果没有制定计划,则州法律将决定资产分配方式,可能与客户意愿不符。

家庭: 遗产规划可以帮助减少家庭纠纷,确保爱人在客户过世后得到照顾。照顾人群可以包括未成年子女、年迈的亲戚或特殊需求的人(残疾家人)。

税收: 遗产规划可以帮助减少遗产税,并最大化资产流传给受益人。适当的规划也可以帮助避免遗嘱认证,这可能是一项非常耗时和昂贵的法庭过程。

商业: 对于企业所有者来说,遗产规划可能尤为重要,因为它可以确保企业在所有者过世或丧失行为能力后继续平稳运营。

安心: 制定全面的遗产规划可以给客户提供安心,因为个人的资产和事务都安排得井井有条,亲人在客户过世后也会得到照顾。


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